Monday, 9 April 2018

I Remember

I remember when people used to get along
But something somewhere went drastically wrong
Now people are aggressive and want to fight
Is it too hard to try and put things right?
I remember when people cared for their community
Now fragmented and no time to show unity
Saying good morning to a neighbour is in the past
Can we change?  Can we change fast?
I remember being shown by adults how to behave
Morals and standards I’ll take to my grave
There doesn’t seem to be the respect around anymore
Thus crime and abuse has continued to sore
I remember spending time with family for special days
To a field or beach with a ball and everyone plays
Families now working 7 days a week, no longer together
Children at home on gadgets, no matter what the weather
I remember being grateful for getting some pocket money
Now if it’s less that £10 children look at you funny
We have to move forward but take something from the past
Or the world that was once loved will definitely not last