Saturday, 23 March 2013

Cinema Trip

Cinema Trip


Settling down to a pizza and a game

Normal Friday night always the same

The phone lit up a message received

My boredom over finally relieved


An invitation to a film I didn’t know

Didn’t really care just wanted to go

A quick concert in the shower, fixed hair

Not long now I’ll be meeting you there


Drove in the snow extra cautious

Car nearly crashed feeling nauseous

Met Amy and Anna in the car park

Me people watching in the swirling dark


Tickets purchased now for the food

Unusually the service was pleasant not rude

Anna decided quickly which was rather neat

Amy couldn’t decide popcorn salty or sweet


Went through the foyer no pic ‘n’ mix

Straight down the corridor to cinema six

The room was empty no one around

Searching for the best seats for surround sound

The film itself teased you throughout

Always thinking casting some doubt

The actress great, I’m sure she’ll do more

Pleasantly surprised by the English Jude Law


On our leaving the snow falling fast

Conversation flowed mostly about the cast

We say our goodbye to Anna with a smile

Turn to my car looks like a huge snow pile


Amy informed me I was going the wrong way

This was payback for my comments the other day

My side window covered, couldn’t see

Window down slowly, snow fell on me!


Took Amy home we said good night

The snow covered window impairing my sight

Singing in the car as I head back to base

Snow covered roads showing my trace!


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