Thursday, 30 May 2013

Why Can't We Get Along?

A great man once said “Give Peace A Chance”

But he couldn’t put leaders in a’ respect each other’ trance

The world seems full of people wanting more

It’s not me, maybe I’m the bore


People fighting for freedom through an internal war

Soldiers horrified by what they saw

It only takes one idiot to act irresponsibly

Recent events have given us that to see


Once in power leaders forget the masses

We will never forget the leader that gases

A World War ended his world domination

Please let’s not go back to that situation


However decades later and we really haven’t moved on

The world is still at war and peace has all but gone

I often think how can we solve this aggressive state?

But I fear like many that it’s probably too late


But we can do small things to make peace grow

Like doing something nice for people we don’t know

Teaching the next generation how to resolve a conflict

Using compromise and respect is the way to depict


Unfortunately we may not be around to see the progress

But we have to keep trying never the less

Searching for peace could take so so long

Surely that’s something that isn’t so wrong

Missing You

I can’t believe I let you go

Not seeing you everyday hurts

You know you meant the world to me

I can’t begin to explain


I miss your touch while lying in bed

I miss your hand gently caressing my head

I miss your lips so soft to kiss

I truly miss you


I love to watch as you laugh out loud

As tears sweep down your face

You were my rock when things went wrong

Always there for me


I miss your touch while lying in bed

I miss your hand gently caressing my head

I miss your lips so soft to kiss

I truly miss you


You made life so simple

You gave me belief and courage

In return I let you down

How stupid could I be?


Regret is something that fills my heart

I lie awake next to a cold empty space

Hoping that one day you’ll return

There will never be another you


I miss your touch while lying in bed

I miss your hand gently caressing my head

I miss your lips so soft to kiss

I truly miss you

Monday, 27 May 2013

One Last Breath

I sit here alone knowing my days have all past

Reflecting on my life I knew it wouldn’t last

The memories will live on like a story in a book

My eyes blink slowly for that final weary look


My life has been filled with happiness and sorrow

Always living for today and not worrying about tomorrow

As a child my days in the park would last forever

Parents shouting ‘Come in’, me replying ‘Never’


As a teenager I had a few scrapes with the law

Just robbed some food because we were poor

But I met my dream girl at a dance one night

The minute saw here I believed in love at first sight


The greatest gift to me was simple to be called dad

Watching your child grow in to a strapping young lad

A girl soon followed and I beamed with pride

As I watched the day she became a beautiful bride


I cried the day my both parents passed away

My Dad a war veteran who fought for his say

My mum the one who kept the family all strong

Could always go to here knowing nothing would be wrong


I’m lucky the friends that I have made throughout

Knowing their friendship was never in doubt

My legacy will live on through the stories I told

Suddenly I feel my body getting cold


I’ve taught my family to show respect to all

Never let their morals or standards fall

Treat people how you want to be treated

Stand up for old people let them be seated


My heart slowing and my hands perspire

I ask the nurse to take away my wire

As I walk towards the bright light of death

I put my head back and draw my last breath

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Amateur Football

Saturday afternoon is so sublime  

Men meeting up for football not always on time

The goals have been set up and nets are on

The manager talking to players one by one


But the talking and discussion starts days before

A player text to say his knee is still sore

A text is sent out to the rest of the squad

Hoping everyone ok the manager prays to God


The day of the game and the kit given out

Holes in the socks, a new kit is the shout

The manager names his starting team

Some players walk off unhappy they seem


The game is played on a muddy, wet pitch

An hour gone, a player complains of a stitch

Three subs made to try and change the game

Nothing much changes all exactly the same


The referee has a big decision to be made

The goalkeeper should really have stayed

A penalty given and the striker takes the kick

The goalkeeper saves he moves so quick


A draw a fair result on the windy wet day

One thing left £5 subs still to pay

The car journey home the inquest begins

The striker takes responsibility for his penalty sins


The pub after and the discussion is on hold

Chip butties and a sausage that is uncooked and cold

A few more pints and the finger is pointed

Blaming the midfield that looked disjointed


This is much better than shopping with the wife

Although coming home injured could land in strife

Just think next week we do exactly the same

All because we love this beautiful game

Friday, 24 May 2013

A Failing Child

As soon as a child starts school they are set to up to fail

Like not knowing Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel

They are told from the start what’s expected and targets set

The teacher calls out ‘Remember all your targets and please don’t forget’

The pupil on the green table is not the brightest in the class

Every time he’s asked a question he simple says ‘I’ll pass’

In school the curriculum doesn’t suit his learning need

He’s cast aside as the school strives for level 5 greed

But the child on the green table is unbelievable at art

He sculptures and paints but school breaks his creative heart

Know one in school has tapped into his talent and ability

The school doesn’t recognise his proven natural quality

The Department of Education only recognise literacy and numeracy

To measure everyone in the same way is some sort of lunacy

Can you imagine if we asked an elephant to climb a tree?

It wouldn’t work but he could knock it down 1, 2, 3!

I urge all schools and governments to celebrate another gift

It will improve schools and give all children a self esteem lift

We are born into this world to be the best we can possibly be

Whether that’s Literacy, Numeracy or even sing like on Glee!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain’

The lyrics from the show now the state is in pain

A hurricane hit so hard people didn’t stand a chance

It didn’t look to bad at the very first glance


As the warning went out and people did the norm

Who would have thought this was a real hurricane storm

Hiding in shelters, under a cubicle and in a cellar

Lying side by side with your children and dog Bella


Debris crashing against empty building blocks

Cowering, praying, checking all the locks

Wanting this hurricane hell to pass over quick

Discovering the damage left makes you feel quite sick


Stepping outside your world has been bulldozed

Looking around at the life you once chose

Friends desperately in a panic searching for the lost

Government quick to act saying ‘We’ll cover the cost’


Rescue teams acting fast trying to save a life

The woman under the concrete is someone’s wife

She’s left behind her husband and four year old twins

A natural disaster were nobody wins


The public don’t sit back and help is on its way

A rescue dog barks frantically at the beaten down clay

A worker tries to clear the rubble but there is far too much sand

Then eventually he grabs a lifeless searching hand


Pulled from the wreckage the mother won’t leave

Shocked screaming ‘my child held my sleeve’

The worker returns with tears down his face

‘I’ll get your child’ before I leave this place


Scrabbling around it doesn’t look great

He screams for help from his rescuer mate

They both search frantically, their strength from within

This is a test that they both must win


Sadly they leave without and ask God why

Suddenly in the distance they hear a dim cry

Quickly they rush over and begin to search for life

Remembering the loss of someone else’s dear wife


The child reunited with her family at last

Winning her life against the hurricane blast

Some not so lucky and life taken away

But they’ll always be remembered on this tragic day

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Don't just exist!

As we travel along life’s pathway

We try and search who we are

We make a choice of this way or that way

Or be guided by the brightest star


We never reach our destination

Always wanting something more

We often have a slight hesitation

To open the our destiny door


Some people exist and don’t want to give

But nothings as bad as it seams

Make a promise and begin to live

Live out your fantasy and dreams

Always in your shadow

Ever since I was a child

I was always second best

Wanting to do something wild

But seen as a little pest

Growing up people knew your name

I was always the other brother

Our child hood exactly the same

Just like our beautiful mother


You had a gift that opened doors

A quality I didn’t have

You often won the football wars

I watched with a lad called Gav


We played together for a while

You got goals as I defend

You played lethargic but with style

It drove me round the bend


You won awards with every team

I always seemed so close

To have your skill was such a dream

Even just a dose

Even now as I continue to play

People remind me of your ability

“He was brilliant” I gracefully say

The support is my stability


Just once I wanted to be recognised

For more than what I know

And maybe win that first prize

No longer in your shadow

Saturday, 18 May 2013


When you go to the theatre to see a live show

There is another show happening you just don’t know

It’s performed in the changing room and in both wings

Actors getting up to all sorts of things


One in the corner sitting peacefully and calm

Anther checking make-up and putting on lip balm

One scrolling through the script while drinking Thai tea

Another one zoning getting ready for you and me


The play begins and a whisper can’t be heard

In the dressing room they are sharing lemon curd

A diva struts off and complains she heard someone walking

She demands quiet and definitely no talking


First half over and fifteen minutes to relax

A socialist starts the conversation, thoughts on bedroom tax

A side door is opened and a few go for a smoke

One is on Facebook deciding who to poke

The second half commences with the usual crash

In the wings an actor shows his terrible rash

He tells all he uses cream on a daily basis

While listening to songs by the band Oasis


A phone call is made from the side of the stage

The director sees it and flies in to a rage

He proclaims the actor is finished after this

The actor replies the job he won’t miss


Lights to blackout and the curtain finally down

Actors’ sadness is shown by the expected frown

The changing room filled with costumes and props

A visit from someone’s ma and pops


Final goodbyes and a promise of a call

Unbelievable highs and the inevitable fall

The wings quiet and the theatre now empty

The drinks flow and there will be plenty

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Baby on the way

There is something special in the air

That will require lots of love and care

A bundle of joy so innocent and sweet

A baby you just can’t wait to meet


Months before and the room finally ready

A cot, a rattle and a huge giant teddy

A two way telecom to hear every sound

Spent a fortune not left with a pound


The day arrives and the hospital waits

A child is born an angel opens the gates

The happy couple look down from above

A wave of emotion some call love


Two are now three as the family grows

The baby looks cute in her long pink bows

The night draws to an end and you sit and relax

This is now living life to the max

A grieving Widow

Suddenly taken away without warning

A life alone is forever dawning

A part of me taken quietly away

Need strength to get through this emotional day


As I hold back the tears and say my final goodbye

I try and stay strong but eventually breakdown, cry

A tear cascades down my tired fragile face

In my heart there is an enormous space


Just one last time I want to hear your voice

Taken away so young wasn’t your choice

The times we were together the memory lives on

Eternally grateful from your wife and son

Monday, 13 May 2013

Is it worth the risk?

Sitting here thinking of what could be

If only people could see what I see

A chance to change is it worth the risk

A safe and secure life now exists


Don’t want to look back with regret

 Like in school I was never the prefect

Wanting to escape the bill paying game

Want success but not necessarily fame


No one can really predict what lies ahead

Only thing certain that one day you’re dead

I’m encouraged by all the positive vibe

Or is it false and they’re just having a jibe


A cross road ahead which way to turn

Take a chance and begin to quickly learn

No-one said it’s going to be an easy path

We all know how hard it is to make people laugh


A new life and career round the bend

Another poem and script to immediately send

Whether a success or a complete strike out

My determination as ever never in doubt

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Wasting Away

Everything seems perfect right now

Standing on life’s stage, please take a bow

A comment made by a friend of a friend

Relationship tested now comes to an end


A pretty picture of pure true beauty

Like the perfect apple that’s not too fruity

The comment made plays on your mind

You try to sleep but can’t unwind


You look in the mirror and see someone untrue

A decision made to lose a pound or two

But this leads to an obsession about your weight

All because of a comment from a mate


Your clothes don’t fit they just hang so loose

Friends ask why but you make an excuse

Your face gaunt and your beauty in the past

How long will this simple illness last?


The mirror again is the judgement in you head

It doesn’t matter what friends and family have said

Skin and bones is all that’s on show

Will the illness stop, we just don’t know


Finally, at last, a breakthrough in sight

The sun shines once more so bright

You begin to eat, not much but a start

You open up your troubled heart

A meeting with a doctor shows encouragement

Your body begin to respond to nourishment

A smile returns to a pale complexion

A hint of happiness no longer rejection

Slowly getting back on the road to recovery

Eating meals and new foods a discovery

No longer a recluse a local trip out

Your true friends never ever in doubt

The mirror image poses the biggest threat

You walk up slowly your mind not set

The vision ahead you see the real you

A positive start, your life is now new

Who do we blame for this heart breaking illness?

Press, friends, family, we’re clueless

We all want to look the best we can be

Outside isn’t everything look in and the beauty you’ll see

Monday, 6 May 2013

Dieting alone just won't work

So you want to lose weight for that perfect look

You head to the library for that dieting book

It tells you things you already new

About calories and protein to name a few


Your friends have one that apparently works

You can eat what you want that includes dessert

Try it for a month but nothing has changed

Eating more which is really strange


You see an advert in the local shop

Having problems eating and want to stop

Meet once a week to watch your weight

Always early and never late


Sitting in a circle you count your loss

Two pounds gone you feel truly boss

The girl in the corner has put on a pound

You slowly walk over a friend is found


Arrange to meet for a coffee and chat

Talking about things, you know this and that

Relaxing together by the sky blue lake

You’re both good and refuse chocolate cake


 Weeks have passed and you’re up and down

One week smile and the next week frown

Don’t understand you haven’t eaten a thing

It must have been that awful cheese string


You keep attending the meeting for the gossip

You’re not bothered if you’ve gained or lost it

You tell everyone there you’ve stuck to the plan

While stopping off weekly at the burger van


Someone in the group suggests some exercise

Everyone sits there fully mesmerised

One a week we’ll do some zumba

You’re hoping the leaders lost your number


In public you put on your usual brave face

To save yourself from your dieting disgrace

A chocolate bar eaten and now you’re in heaven

Couldn’t stop at one so you have all seven


Weight creeps on and a decision to be made

Need to exercise and need to get weighed

Start with a walk around the local park

Turns into a jog just before dark


You feel great and a little bit thinner

A 10k run complete, now a winner

A little treat is an exercise perk

As dieting alone just won’t work

Sunday, 5 May 2013


They come as a pair

Rolled up in a ball

Ready to wear

Winter or Fall


Some are identical

Others mix and match

Some with a pattern

Others red with a patch


A long one for football

A short one for tennis

Thrown in the hall

A true sock menace


Separated in the wash

One all alone

Need some dosh

To make another clone


A hole in the end

A stitch won’t do

May need to spend

To buy another two


Buy fake or real

The price depends

It’s all in the feel

Tell your friends


A purchase made

A new life begun

The colour won’t fade

Bought the real one


The first time in

The comfort great

A definite win
A new best mate