Saturday, 18 May 2013


When you go to the theatre to see a live show

There is another show happening you just don’t know

It’s performed in the changing room and in both wings

Actors getting up to all sorts of things


One in the corner sitting peacefully and calm

Anther checking make-up and putting on lip balm

One scrolling through the script while drinking Thai tea

Another one zoning getting ready for you and me


The play begins and a whisper can’t be heard

In the dressing room they are sharing lemon curd

A diva struts off and complains she heard someone walking

She demands quiet and definitely no talking


First half over and fifteen minutes to relax

A socialist starts the conversation, thoughts on bedroom tax

A side door is opened and a few go for a smoke

One is on Facebook deciding who to poke

The second half commences with the usual crash

In the wings an actor shows his terrible rash

He tells all he uses cream on a daily basis

While listening to songs by the band Oasis


A phone call is made from the side of the stage

The director sees it and flies in to a rage

He proclaims the actor is finished after this

The actor replies the job he won’t miss


Lights to blackout and the curtain finally down

Actors’ sadness is shown by the expected frown

The changing room filled with costumes and props

A visit from someone’s ma and pops


Final goodbyes and a promise of a call

Unbelievable highs and the inevitable fall

The wings quiet and the theatre now empty

The drinks flow and there will be plenty

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