Sunday, 21 June 2015

Everyday the same

We all get up early to do our daily chores
Ironing and washing and sometimes cleaning doors
Tidying up for the visitors we never do see
This isn’t living; this isn’t a future for me

Breakfast at 7 then a packed lunch in our hand
The routine I hate, why can’t they understand
I meet the same people and we say the same things
Are we just puppets performing boredom on strings?

Everyday the same
Nothing happens here
Going through the motion
My life I have to steer
I have to escape
This world that surrounds me
I have dreams I wan to live
Why can’t they see?

My mum always saying ‘you’ll not amount to much’
Like a rabbit wanting to escape I’m trapped inside this hutch
A brother whose dreams were dashed early on
I still have hopes and dreams that haven’t yet gone

This can’t be our lives, this can’t be our existence
I’ll fight the regime; I’ll show you my resistance

They all do a day job that they don’t really like
We can’t afford a car so dad’s out early on his bike
Tick tock of the clock a time bomb ready to explode

People walking down the same tireless road

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