Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Snow White

Venue:  Liverpool Empire

It was that time of the year (On no it wasn’t) when I headed off to watch the pantomime at the Liverpool Empire.  The stage was set, the band struck up their first notes and we were underway.  Bursting on to the stage was the evil Queen played superbly by Leanne Campbell.  This was not the first time I had seen Leanne in panto but it was the first time as a ‘baddie’.  She played it with all the grace you would expect from a panto veteran (Sorry Leanne).  Her voice was very posh (Like someone from Heswall) when she was being nice but it soon changed to the Walton girl accent we are more familiar with, and it worked to great effect.  Special mention for he singing voice – truly wonderful and I would pay just to listen to Leanne singing!
Coming back to the Liverpool Empire was the ever reliable and funny Liam Mellor playing Muddles.  People think what Liam does with an audience is easy but I can tell you it certainly isn’t.  He is becoming a firm favourite in the North West for his roles as a simple character.  I personally think he is better when he adlibs a bit, especially with the children he has on stage.  I think he could have caused more mischief in this panto with a bit more slapstick and ‘micky taking’ out of the other cast members but maybe that’s just my naughtiness coming out.
Georgie Porter entertained us as Snow White and danced her way around the stage with ease.  Stephen Fletcher was charming as the prince (see what I did there) and has a much better singing voice that I thought he had, although I knew it was good just didn’t realise how good!  The wicked Queen’s side kick, Herman the henchman (Not sure of real name, although this could be it!) was a delight and really played his role fantastically, especially when trying to get the audience to shout when he was trying to kill Snow White. 
Of course there was a special appearance from out very own Peter Price, who was the mirror on the wall.  We did miss him messing up his lines a little as I think this adds to the performance. 
The set design was magnificent and very sparkly, which you would expect.  The choreography was very good and all the dancers performed it with smiles and confidence.  The writing was very good as there was enough innuendo to keep the adults entertained and that’s what pantomime is all about.
All in all it was another professional performance by the cast.  There were some great moments in the show – Muddles getting his super soaker out and wetting everyone in the stalls was a definite highlight (Now there’s a line I never thought I’d write).

 I personally would have liked to have seen a few more ‘mess ups’ as I think this adds to pantomime performances and a bit more slap stick.  I would still recommend that you go along and support his show and boo and cheer as much as you can.

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