Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Snow White and the seven dwarfs

St Helens Theatre Royal
Snow White and the seven dwarfs
Review: 6th December 2017

It is that time of year again! (Oh no it isn’t) Snow White comes along to the Theatre Royal in St Helens until 14th January 2018.  This production has all the usual charm and enthusiasm that I have seen in previous pantomimes at the theatre but for one special moment!  I’ll tell you more on that later (I know the suspense is unbearable). 
The shows begin with the introduction of the mirror, and one of the stars, Jonny Vegas!  He was introduced by the resident dame but now wicked queen, Simon Foster.  Simon did his usual good job working the audience but I have to admit I much prefer him as a nicer dame as this gives him more license to work around the script.  Following was the ‘Star’ of the show, Lucy-Jo Hudson.  She breezed on to the stage and glided across it perfectly in every dance she performed.  If Disney was to cast Snow White, then Lucy-Jo would surely be in contention.  She works the stage and interacts with all the cast from dancers to the Prince superbly. 
Snow White’s side kick was of course Muddles, played by the fantastic Lewis Devine.  I had never seen Lewis perform before and I have to say it was a pleasure to watch him.  He is an all rounder, which is unusual in the theatre these days.  He can sing, dance, act and do impressions!  He worked so hard every time he was on stage to keep the audience on their toes and his interaction, again, top draw!  Playing the Prince was another performer I had not seen before, Jack Rigby.  He had great chemistry on stage with Lewis and I think more could have been made with the humour between these two characters, particularly the horse scene.  Again, I was pleasantly surprised with his performance and a perfect match for Lucy-Jo.  The last remaining main character was Herman the Henchman, Richard Hazlewood.  Richard played he role wonderfully especially working the audience when they didn’t respond to his dagger! 
A special deserved mention for the choreography in the show.  Every time I visit this theatre, I am always impressed with the dancers and the choreography.  The only thing I would mention that could be discussed was when Snow White was singing and being lifted around the stage. The sets were simple but very effective and the changes seamless. 
I’ve saved the best for last (the anticipation is over).  The 3D effects were absolutely amazing.  The children’s reaction to each and every one was worth the admission alone.  This was definitely a high but I don’t want to spoil it!
The show, for me, was a tad long and feel some of the younger children and young performers may be struggling tomorrow.

I’m a massive fan of live theatre and believe everyone should go and support local theatres so I urge you to get yourself down to the Theatre Royal, you won’t be disappointed! 

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