Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Royal Court - Selection Box Review

Firstly, a huge thank you must go to everyone involved at The Royal Court for making it possible for the show to go ahead with an audience.  It was great to be back in a theatre!

The title of the show 'Selection Box' is perfect, as it is a mix and match of different 'spots' and showcases the amazing talent we have here in Liverpool and in particularly at The Royal Court.

The first half of the show gives each cast member a 'turn' like an old variety show and pays homage to some great people of the old music hall and variety shows.  There were some classic jokes that everyone knew but they gave you a sense of warmth, knowing you were back hearing them were they should belong.  The cast managed to get around the awkward audience participation that they would normally welcome, with some 'dig' towards Big Bad Boris.

Michael Fletcher was our 'Compere' for the first half and he delivered with all the confidence of a seasoned professional, introducing the next 'turn' with ease and grace. It was rare seeing Andrew Schofield in a smart suit and his talent shone through as always, especially when he played his instrument (no, not that one!!!) 

Catherine Rice has an excellent singing voice and shows it off in a couple of great numbers.  Jake Abraham does a great rendition of a legend but I won't tell you as you have to see it for yourself.  Keddy Sutton is such a good physical performer and can change her mannerisms so quick it is like having two performers fo the price of one!  Her impression of another legend is the best I have heard and would certainly make me go over the rainbow!!!  Liam Tobin does a couple of very good impressions in the first half but saves his best teaming up with Andrew Schofield for the best 12 days of Christmas I've seen!

The best I've saved until last.  They gave Jamie Clarke the build-up in the first half that made me worry that she wouldn't be able to live up to the standing.  I had nothing to worry about.  She closed the first half with a belter of a song that, in my opinion, was better that the original singer.  The control she has in her voice and range is phenomenal.  This girls has one of the best singing voices I've heard, not just in the theatre but anywhere.  She belts out some very difficult songs with ease and I could have listened to her all night.  She stole the show in my opinion.  To have that voice and perform on stage multiple times a week is a testament to her natural ability.

Tonight's show gave me hope that we can all get back to full houses in the theatres and maybe, just maybe, we will be back watching some of Liverpool's finest performers sooner rather than later.

At times tonight, i just found myself smiling at being back where I love.  Thank you  

Sunday, 25 October 2020

I'm hungry, sir

 It's 9:30am and you are late son

What is your excuse this time?

Wipe that smirk from your face

Go and stand there, at the back of the line.

He's always late him and he never listens

I'll ask him a question; he mumbles replies

I've never known a boy who daydreams so much

And in the afternoon, he is quite and mostly cries

Didn't he used to be a happy little boy

With a laugh that was quite contagious

I can't seem to get to the bottom of his problems

And when I try, he bursts out with rages

Late again but this time he looked so different

He looked at me with a look I hadn't seen before

I took a deep breath, looked lovingly in to his eyes

'Sir, my dad can't afford to feed us all'

My heart sank and I went to me knees

My eyes welled with guilt at this 8 year old boy

He only had one meal every single day

My job, to find the child's lost joy

I told him I would help and speak to people I know

This stops now and support with be found

That night I cried as I struggled to understand

Another family that has nearly drowned

It's 8:30am and you are early again son

He laughed as he ate a breakfast bar

'Sir, I like getting in early.  I like our chats'

Son, you've now turned in to a superstar!

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Stay Strong

 It's 3 o'clock in the morning and another sleepless night

Thoughts of insecurity and the demons start to fight

The clock keeps ticking but the time remains so still

Alone in the darken room and I no longer have the will

A bright beam of sunlight comes searching through the room

Unable to face the day as the smallest demons still loom

Each step met with a lethargic pause and a helpless small tear

Since when did I hate myself and live in a world I fear

Not knowing who I am and where to find a helping hand

People don't see the hurt; they will never understand

An unknown truth still hides behind the weak misguided smile

For years I've known this torture; for years I've been in denial

Each day gets harder and harder to operate my usual self

Occupying body and mind is difficult when fighting mental health

The proverbial four walls close in and the space quickly disappears

My mind begins to race as the demons go through their gears

A message from a friend came arrowing out of the blue

It broke my silence when they simply asked, 'Mate, how are you?"

The flood gates burst open and a call shortly ensued

I couldn't believe the support; I was overwhelmingly moved

My door is always open but I will never understand

But I will listen to your thoughts and I'll even hold your hand

In these times of difficulty, I'm only a phone call away

It is important we all believe and say that it's ok not to be ok.

Thursday, 27 August 2020


The morning light wakes me from my sleep
I’m all alone
I’m without you


Another dream dreaming  just of you

Your golden hair

Hollywood eyes


But you gave me



Broken dreams

Broken lies

Broken hopes

And Broken cries


Broken days

Broken parts

Broken nights

And broken hearts


I didn’t know I was broken until I met you

You gave me hope

My life fulfilled


I keep telling myself it was all my fault

Don’t really know

Unanswered truths


And you gave me



Broken dreams

Broken lies

Broken hopes

And Broken cries


Broken days

Broken parts

Broken nights

And broken hearts




I’ll never regret what you gave me

I’d do it all again in a heart beat


I’m still telling myself it will all work out

Back together

Out of my dreams


I sit here silently from the side lines

It could have been

But you’ve moved on


And I’m still broken

Friday, 27 March 2020

Just Stay In (Tune: Let it go)

Just Stay In (Tune: Let it Go)

The sun comes down on a crowded beach
Not a towel left alone
A kingdom of stupidity
But they all should be at home

The anger is rushing like a swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I’ve tried
Pick up your towels, Get in your car
Don’t care if you have travelled near or far
Behave, grow up, just go on home
Well, go on home

Just stay in, just stay in
Go on home and close your doors
Just stay in, just stay in
Get used to being bores
We all care, NHS to stay
Let our health carry on
The queues never bothered us anyway

It’s funny how social distance makes everything seem small
And the fools that once controlled us can’t get to us at all
It’s time to rise and now be strong
To test us all can’t be so wrong
No time, no lies , no playing out
I’m out

Just stay in, just stay in
We can see the clouds and the sky
Just stay in, just stay in
Don’t make us mad and cry
Here we are, a pandemic
Hope the fools stay in

Our hopes fading, the NHS is overworked
Our volunteers on hand, NHS is now reworked
And one by one the human race starts to survive
We’re never going back, we’re all glad to be alive

Just stay in, just stay in
The world together as one
Just stay in, just stay in
The virus now has gone
Here we stand, a United Earth
Let the fun begin
The sun will be shining another day

Saturday, 21 March 2020


I knew you would be leaving
But I didn’t know so soon
It was hard to say goodbye
But none of us are immune

The world is a different place
It’s different from before
I want you to be safe
So please all stay indoor

I hope I’ve taught you well
Made a small difference
With memories in your mind
You’ll remember a fond experience

At times I had to feed you
But that was just the start
I’m not sure what will happen
I hope I played an important part

When you left I cried
I’m not ashamed to say
You always smiled at me
Even though you struggled each day

As a teacher I just don’t teach
I love, care and guide
I’m the law in your hectic life
But you knew I have a soft side

I’m there when you are broke
Putting you back together
I’m there to catch your tears
You are in my thoughts forever

Now as the uncertainty begins
And I won’t see you again
Be sure I’ll have your back
And I’ll never forget your name

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Be My Reason

Sometimes in life we take things for granted
Like a smile on our face and love in our heart
The tears we shed are our inner thoughts
Reminding us of the demons inside each day
Protected by our mundane daily routine
A wave and a nod to the passing stranger
Thinking there is no way it can happen to me
Life becomes difficult


Be my reason to walk
Be my reason to dance
Be my reason to smile
Be my reason I get up in the morning
Be my reason to love
Be my reason to breathe
Be my reason to live

Trapped in a cage that no-one can see
The face in the mirror is an unknown image
People only see me from the outside
They don’t see me from the inside
I try to brave, I try to smile
Each passing day becomes harder to live
Where do I turn?  Who can I talk too
A struggle only some will ever see

It’s time we opened up to let the world outside see
None of us our perfect, not you and not me
It’s time to talk we all agree

Monday, 10 February 2020

Lost in a world

I don’t know where to turn
I don’t know what to say
trying desperately to fit in
But I’m always on the edge
A one-dimensional mind
With a three-dimensional soul
Reaching for something
Something too far away

I’m lost, lost in a world I don’t belong
Trying to find my escape
Trying to find the words,
Unable to speak, unable to tell the truth
I’m lost but I don’t want to be found

Skirting on the edges of society
Trying to find my crowd
But I don’t know who that is
I’m in the shadows
I’m behind my mask
The world a different place
A million thoughts
Conflicting and confusing

Help me find my world
A world where I can be me
Help me find my crowd
A crowd where they see what I see

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Aladdin at St Helens Theatre Royal

2nd January 2020

Well, 2020 certainly started with a bang for those people lucky enough to spend an afternoon at the Theatre Royal, St Helens.  Having watched previous pantomimes at the theatre over the years, I was expecting the same high standard.  For me, it is easy to keep churning out the pantomimes without updating or tweaking but St Helens have certainly not rested on the standard from previous years.  In fact, this was by far the best one!  Superbly written by resident dame Si Foster, who manged to keep all the old favourite jokes and routines in.  He was also clever enough in his writing to include local references and opportunities for it to go wrong, which is very important for any pantomime.

Robin Windsor was the big draw and played the main part of Aladdin.  Of course, we knew he could dance from his ‘Strictly’ days but, to my surprise, he can offer much more than this.  He was a perfect for his ‘comedy’  partner Scott Gallagher.  I had never seen Scott perform before and, for me, he was one of the best I’ve seen in this role.  He had great comic timing and was so into his role that he even forgot one or two lines! I have to admit, I do like to see the performers trying to make each other laugh as this keeps the performances fresh.  Scott did very well with the four young girls during the ‘Floss’ routine and thought of some great lines on the spot.

Speaking of making others laugh on stage, I have to say the actor playing the police officer was terrific and perfect for the role.  He had a very good singing voice and did a great ‘Sing Off’ with Phillip McGuinness.  The actors name I don’t recall as not on the poster but I have to say he was superb and a joy to watch.  He had a real connection with the audience, which can be difficult with an afternoon show. Jenna O’Hara as the ‘Slave of the ring’ and Kai Jolley as ‘Genie’ gave very good performances too.

No pantomime can be great without a great ‘baddie’ and we certainly had that with Phillip McGuinness.  He brings a physicality to the role that others don’t simply have.  His mannerisms are superb and the audience loved to boo him especially when he was trying to ‘woo’ the Princess, Olivia Sloyan.  In all my time watching pantomimes, I have never seen a more perfect princess.  She is beautifully stunning and a genuine triple threat – Dancing, singing and acting!  What I enjoyed the most in her performance was the laughing she did on stage at other actors. 

And finally, a massive well done to the support cast of singers, dancers and technical staff.  I genuinely think that this theatre keeps giving audiences great pantomimes and this is certainly the best yet!  There is still time to go and see it and a must if you love live theatre.