Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Royal Court - Selection Box Review

Firstly, a huge thank you must go to everyone involved at The Royal Court for making it possible for the show to go ahead with an audience.  It was great to be back in a theatre!

The title of the show 'Selection Box' is perfect, as it is a mix and match of different 'spots' and showcases the amazing talent we have here in Liverpool and in particularly at The Royal Court.

The first half of the show gives each cast member a 'turn' like an old variety show and pays homage to some great people of the old music hall and variety shows.  There were some classic jokes that everyone knew but they gave you a sense of warmth, knowing you were back hearing them were they should belong.  The cast managed to get around the awkward audience participation that they would normally welcome, with some 'dig' towards Big Bad Boris.

Michael Fletcher was our 'Compere' for the first half and he delivered with all the confidence of a seasoned professional, introducing the next 'turn' with ease and grace. It was rare seeing Andrew Schofield in a smart suit and his talent shone through as always, especially when he played his instrument (no, not that one!!!) 

Catherine Rice has an excellent singing voice and shows it off in a couple of great numbers.  Jake Abraham does a great rendition of a legend but I won't tell you as you have to see it for yourself.  Keddy Sutton is such a good physical performer and can change her mannerisms so quick it is like having two performers fo the price of one!  Her impression of another legend is the best I have heard and would certainly make me go over the rainbow!!!  Liam Tobin does a couple of very good impressions in the first half but saves his best teaming up with Andrew Schofield for the best 12 days of Christmas I've seen!

The best I've saved until last.  They gave Jamie Clarke the build-up in the first half that made me worry that she wouldn't be able to live up to the standing.  I had nothing to worry about.  She closed the first half with a belter of a song that, in my opinion, was better that the original singer.  The control she has in her voice and range is phenomenal.  This girls has one of the best singing voices I've heard, not just in the theatre but anywhere.  She belts out some very difficult songs with ease and I could have listened to her all night.  She stole the show in my opinion.  To have that voice and perform on stage multiple times a week is a testament to her natural ability.

Tonight's show gave me hope that we can all get back to full houses in the theatres and maybe, just maybe, we will be back watching some of Liverpool's finest performers sooner rather than later.

At times tonight, i just found myself smiling at being back where I love.  Thank you  

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