Sunday 17 January 2016

A Stranger’s Advice

It was a cold icy morning, when the train came along
I entered the carriage as normal whistling my latest favourite song
The carriage was empty but soon people came on board
At each stop people leaving, pulling gentle on the exit cord

My mind was wandering as my eyes were scanning the crowd
Thinking about moving, as the noise was becoming too loud
I suddenly noticed an elderly man sitting quietly towards the rear
He looked hungry and alone wearing an aid behind his ear

As I quietly approached him, he looked up and muttered a word
I sat and smiled opposite not knowing what I had heard
The train began to quieten as more and more people departed
The stranger looked back down and his smile had now departed

I spoke to him softly, smiled and simply started with hello sir
He looked up and spoke in a voice that silenced the morning air
We talked about his life, love and losses that he previously had
He said in his long life he had been up and down, both happy and sad

There was a spark in his eyes, as he told me tales from the past
When he was at his highest point he knew it certainly wouldn’t last
He’d lost the love of his life, the kids and the money had all gone
And now he rides the train all day, sitting alone, sitting as one

He asked about my life and why I was riding this passenger train
I told him about my hopes and dreams and what I’d like to finally gain
He said he’d had it all and foolishly thought it would last forever
I asked him, if he could, would he do it again and he simply said “never”

Why? I thought, as he voice began to quiver and the tears began to flow
Because the things I valued gave him this life, he was at an all time low
He said greed takes over when you have the power to influence others
Now materialistic things have gone and so have my sisters and brothers

I could have tried to pick it all up and made another successful attempt
But happiness and love should have been the only dream I dreamt
I asked him if he had some advice that he could pass on to the next generation
His smiled returned, his eyes widened and he spoke without hesitation

Tell the people you love how happy they make you feel
Give people your time as this is something that no-one can steal
Laugh at yourself everyday and don’t take life so serious
Open your mind; don’t say too much let people think you’re mysterious

We laughed for the remainder of the journey exchanged a story or two
My stop was next; I got up to leave and told him I’m glad I’ve met you
He said don’t be a stranger my new friend, come visit I’m here to stay

Ten years have now passed and I talk with my old stranger every single day

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