Sunday 30 October 2016

Let me try

I know that you’ve been hurt before
You’re not looking for anyone anymore
Too busy to start something new
But love and happiness you are overdue
On the outside, as always, you show a strong face
You don’t need the hassle of a relationship chase

But let me try and bring you what you deserve
I won’t do anything to make you hurt
Let me try and bring that smile to your face
Let me try and take you to a happy place
I won’t lie and I won’t cheat
When I see you my heart skips a beat
Let me try
Let me try
Why not let me try?

We may have only met once or twice
But dreams of you are my guilty vice
Your positivity to encourage is inspiring
Your endless charity work never tiring
But you need sometime for yourself
I believe I can be good for your health

But let me try and bring you what you deserve
I won’t do anything to make you hurt
Let me try and bring that smile back to your face
Let me try and take you to a happy place
I won’t lie and I won’t cheat
When I see you my heart skips a beat
Let me try
Let me try
Why not let me try?

Tell me what I need to do to make you happy?
Tell me what I need to do to give it a try


Wednesday 26 October 2016

Wizard of Oz!

Wizard of Oz – St Helens Theatre Royal - Darren Partington

I booked again to see this show after last year’s success.  My initial thoughts were ‘This will probably be the same show as last year’.  I thought about churning out the same old review as last year and just changing the date but I’m glad I didn’t.
Everything I like about a theatre is in this wonderful venue.  It’s an old theatre with a modern twist.  They have a new box office, which gives the theatre a great new look.  Inside the theatre, you feel it is big enough to create an atmosphere yet small enough to be intimate.  When I go to the theatre I like to see the actor’s faces on the stage as you get to see all the little side looks and silly looks when something goes a stray.  This performance certainly has all that and more.
The story itself never really changes with the same characters doing the same things along the famous yellow brick road.  What I like about this story is the added twists along the way.   From the very beginning we had a lovely rendition of ‘Pure Imagination’ – great song choice as children of all ages (Yes including me) instantly new they were being taken somewhere special!
The cast, with some new additions, gave the audience exactly what they wanted to have – Fun!  Yes this sounds simple but I’ve seen many ‘Pantomimes’ that forget to have that one ingredient.  There is warmth on stage and a sense of togetherness as the cast make their way through the story.  The best bits for me are when the cast members get a line wrong or fall over when they are not expected.  It is always good to see the reaction of their ‘friends’ as they continue to try and set each other up over a slight mistake and then of course cue Claire Simmo to start the laughing! 
Charlotte Gallagher is a wonderful Dorothy who has it all: Stunning, can dance and can certainly belt out a tune, especially singing the main song ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’.  Her voice carries across the theatre with ease and I would like to see her in more challenging roles in other musicals, as I think she has the talent. 
Now I’m not a huge Eastenders fan since Angie Watts left the square back in the late 80’s so I didn’t know what to expect from Cheryl Fergison.  What I got was a fantastic performance from someone who ‘owns’ that stage when she walks on.  Cheryl has a natural ability to connect with the audience, which not every actor can do.  The audience loved her as the Wicked Witch of the West and who knew she could sing…RESPECT!
Liam Mellor, Simon Foster and Phillip McGuinness provided us with the comedy courtesy of the Scarecrow, Lion and Tin man.  I had seen Liam in previous pantomimes (My niece has worked with him at Liverpool Empire and will again this year – proud uncle moment) and he is very at ease talking to the audience one on one.  His interaction with the children, who with the Golden Ticket, is wonderfully sarcastic and he knows where the line is between funny and aggressive.  Simon is a natural comedy performer and I adore his ‘mess ups’.  He doesn’t try and hide the fact he has made an error but embraces it with the ‘courage’ to have another go, all to the amusement of the adults and fellow cast members.  One skills I hadn’t seen from him before is his ability to use a ‘Super Soaker’.  He can hit adults or children from 20 yards away!  He then turned on his fellow cast members to the amusement of the audience.  Phillip McGuinness was the Scarecrow last year and I was interested to see what he would bring to his new role.  He didn’t disappoint.  What Phillip does that other actors don’t do is think about the role; the movement, the voice and how he interacts with others on stage.  He is a very talented actor and I am certain he will go on to big things within the industry. 
Last but certainly not least is the every sparkly, every smiling Claire Simmo.  What I enjoy about watching Claire’s performance is that she is having so much fun on stage ad this is then mirrored by the audience.  She has an excellent singing voice and can be relied upon to laugh along with the audience watching her fellow cast members.  I think she sometimes forgets she is in the show!!!!!
My favourite part of the show by far was the cast playing two or three roles during one of the songs.  This involved getting changed off, or sometimes on stage, while singing and doing actions.  This was the ‘Super Soaker’ moments!
One part I found slightly lost on was the illuminating teddy bears.  While I fully understand that sometimes you need a ‘filler’ scene while something else is happening, for me it just didn’t fit. It was fun to watch and sometimes in panto that’s fine.
So what am I saying?
Get along to see this brilliant production of The Wizard of Oz (On until Sunday I believe) and support local talent in a beautiful venue. 

They finished the show with ‘Oh what a night’.  It should have been ‘Oh what an afternoon’. 

Sunday 16 October 2016

Thanks Coach

My love for the game started when I kicked my first ball
There I was in my back yard kicking it off the broken wall
I was alone in the sunshine with a smile on my face
Itching to move on and play in a bigger space

My parents brought me to the park all dressed in my kit
We started running around, kicking a ball, while getting fit
All the parents left and it was just you with all these kids
When the post was offered to all sadly there were no bids

We were there every Tuesday and Saturday mornings too
All having fun playing this beautiful game, just us and you
Parents would come and go, trusting you with our care
You would coach us the rules and treat everyone fair

The summer came and went and our season had began
Parents shouted but we only listened to you our number one fan
Rain battered our games and parents would sit in their car
You stood their alone next to us never moving too far

When one of us had a problem we could always talk to you
Your advice and support made sure each one of us grew
You challenged each and every one of us to be the best we could be
We all had our roles that only you could really see

As the season ended you talked about going on a tour
The cost would be minimal so all children went, rich or poor
You taught us more than just the game but how we should be
Morals, manners, sportsmanship and all for a two pound fee

So thanks coach for giving me the opportunity to play the beautiful game
I now have a team of my own and I coach them just the same
You taught me ability with the right attitude can take you all the way

You did all this for free without wanting any pay

Friday 7 October 2016

You gave a child a chance

It started all those years ago when I wasn’t wanted any more
My biological parents gave me away and never returned though the revolving door
What was to happen to me?  How would my life pan out?
They you appeared with your loving hearts and suddenly my future was never in doubt

A perfect partnership with loving parents giving me unconditional love
We fitted together perfectly like a loving hand in a open glove
You showed me what was right and wrong and at bedtime told me a story
Every time we read it, Batman would always receive the glory

There were ups and downs throughout my teens; I must have tested your strength
You let me discover who I am but were always there at arms length
Guiding me, not telling me, knowing I’d make mistakes along the way
Giving me an understanding of morals that I still keep to this day

And now as I sit by you side dad, watching you, praying that you’ll recover
I can’t wait to tell you the news; you have a new grandchild to discover
Mum couldn’t be here; she’s taken Frankie to play on the slide
When we are out I notice you staring at him, a grandparent beaming with pride

I sometimes look back at my life and how it might have been
I thank God for you two wonderful people for the life that I have seen
When you two arrived at the home you gave me a loving glance

I promised myself when I was able I too would give a child a chance