Friday 19 February 2016

The Invisible Child

I sit in the classroom on a table with three
I’m not more able or S.E.N
I’m simply just me
I don’t have a temper or prone to an outburst
I just want to be visible
I have an educational thirst

My attendance is perfect and I’m never late
My homework in on time
And I’m everyone’s best mate
I do my very best and wouldn’t dare complain
I put my head down
Unfortunately, you do the same

I thrive at the subjects that you’ll never measure
Music, PE and art
I do them for pleasure
Sports day comes around and my turn to shine
Winning all the races
No praise is mine

SAT’s come around and my learning has gone into decay
More and more testing
We repeat everyday
You know my name but you don’t know who I am
My likes and interests
Is this a government scam?

The end of the year and my annual report is due
You tick the boxes
I’m average in more than a few
I’m hoping next year that I become more visible
Recognition at last

But for now I’m still invisible

Sunday 14 February 2016

We never realised

We met when we were young in days that lasted forever
We didn’t have a care just the two of us together
We talked about the future wondered what it would hold
Talked about our lives the two of us growing old

When did we fall out of love?
How did we drift apart?
Should we go back to the very start?

We never realised love had moved on
For years I thought you were the only one
We tried to save what we thought we had
But the happiness was soon replaced with sad
The butterflies I felt when I saw you had gone
Why didn’t we realise love had moved on?

Where does the blame lie as it wasn’t you or me?
The signs were always there we just couldn’t really see
A different outlook on life as we grew further and further away
Two separate lives living a completely different way

Leaving our relationship was the hardest thing to do
I hope that one day I can finally get over you
Making the decision to move on was by far the hardest part
Honestly my dear, I never meant to break your heart
The little quirks I once loved were becoming more annoying

This relationship lie is becoming soul destroying

Sunday 7 February 2016

Love in your eyes

I never knew what love was until I held you in my arms
You didn’t know who I was until I whispered my name
Suddenly your eyes opened revealing love I had never known
For the first time ever I realised that life was more than a game

A heartbeat I could feel that beat in time with mine
You smiled a perfect smile that lit up your beautiful face
A tiny hand that wrapped itself around my index finger
Love connected us, without hesitation, as I felt your tender embrace

For years I struggled, I never knew if this day would arrive
Always wondering why it hadn’t happened to me so far
I see others with the perfect family, living a life I wanted to have
And now I finally have you my life, my perfect superstar

I watched as you fell asleep lying peacefully in your cot
I know I should cherish this moment as tears filled my eyes
Soon you will be up and about leaving to continue your journey

I hope every time I look at you I can still see love in your eyes